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A sweet, spicy and warming seasonal beverage, there is nothing like Hot Spiced Apple Cider to celebrate cooler weather!
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Mulled Cider • Keeping It Simple Blog
This easy mulled apple cider will keep you warm on those chilly Fall days.
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Homemade Fire Cider
The moment you feel off, grab a tablespoon and start this fire cider recipe to shorten the life of that illness. Fire cider tonic has a whole host of benefits and can help keep you healthier.
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Cider Poached Apples (3 Ways) – Art Of Natural Living
Cider poached apples are a tasty & warming snack or dessert. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream for a special comfort food.
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How To Make Calendula Tea • Schisandra & Bergamot
Learn how to make Calendula (Calendula officinalis) tea with dried or fresh calendula flowers, hot or iced, including a sun tea method. These gentle blossoms are soothing and packed with healing prope
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