Recipes for Reese's

No-bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie has a creamy, nutty filling, with peanut butter richness, resting atop a delectable Oreo chocolate crust.
submitted by Intentional Hospitality

Peanut Butter Cup Stuffed Truffles
This Reese peanut butter ball takes a mini peanut butter cup and stuffs it inside a golden Oreo ball truffle. Family and friends will love the peanut butter cup surprise inside this dessert!
submitted by OnMyKidsPlate

Reese’s Pieces Peanut Butter Chip Cookies
Gooey and loaded full of peanut butter cups and Reese's Pieces, this dessert is the ultimate cookie! This deliciously buttery and gooey cookies is simply irresistible for chocolate peanut butter fans!
submitted by OnMyKidsPlate