Recipes for Roasted Carrots And Onions Roasted Browned Butter Carrots Roasting carrots brings out more of their sweetness and adds flavor. Now imagine roasted onions and browned butter topping those naturally sweet and tender roasted carrots. It’s delicious! submitted by bunnymalone2021 carrots oven carrots roasted carrots roasted carrots and onions side dish Entry Permalink Report Post Oven Roasted Carrots and Onions with Chopped Parsley Salad These oven roasted carrots and onions with chopped parsley salad are simple, fresh, and delicious. submitted by theflavordance appetizer easy healthy herb salad parley parley salad roasted carrots roasted carrots and onions roasted onions side dish vegan vegetarian veggie veggie side dish Entry Permalink Report Post