Recipes for Cabbage Bowl Recipe Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl is a tasty dinner idea, and you can make the slightly-spicy beef in the slow cooker or the Instant Pot! And people who aren’t cabbage fans can eat the beef in tortillas! submitted by KalynsKitchen bowl meal recipe cabbage bowl recipe gluten-free recipe green chile beef bowl low-carb recipe Entry Permalink Report Post Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl Everyone who likes ground beef, Sriracha, and creamy slaw will love this spicy Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl for an easy flavor-filled dinner! You can use more or less Sriracha to control the heat. submitted by KalynsKitchen cabbage bowl recipe gluten-free recipe low-carb recipe sriracha recipe Entry Permalink Report Post