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Garibaldi Biscuits
Garibaldi biscuits (unkindly called 'squashed flies' by children), named to honour Italian General Giuseppe Garibaldi, who fought for the unification of Italy in the 19th century, are made by sandwich
submitted by angiesrecipes
Himmelsboten Heavenly Messengers
These Himmelsboten are not only popular with the little ones. My husband is also completely addicted to these cookies. I used a simple and very basic 3-ingredient shortcrust pastry, but you can add so
submitted by angiesrecipes

Homemade Chocolate Spelt Pastry Tartlet Shells
These homemade chocolate spelt pastry tartlet shells allow you to create your own mini tarts and pies at home. The sweet, cocoa-flavored pastry dough can be made with gluten free, all-purpose or spelt
submitted by thespeltkitchen