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Gluten-free Almond Flour Brownies – Sweet and Savoury Pursuits
These made from scratch, Gluten-Free Almond Flour Brownies are easy to make, have a rich chocolate taste, and are incredibly moist and fudgy.
submitted by sweet&savourypursuits;

Easy Milkshake Recipe without Ice Cream
In just a few minutes, you will have the best milkshake with no ice cream! It's a creamy, rich, and delicious treat prepared with just two ingredients.
submitted by Cookhouse Diary

Brownie In A Mug
Making a brownie in a mug is really simple. A little brown sugar, flour, milk, cocoa powder, vegetable oil, and vanilla come together in an 8-ounce mug that's cooked in the microwave for 2 minutes.
submitted by amandaformaro