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Peppermint Mocha Cookies
Get your holiday cookie craving in cookie form with these Peppermint Mocha Cookies! These chocolate, espresso, and peppermint beauties are crisp, chewy, and topped with peppermint royal icing!
submitted by Live to Sweet

Khachapuri Recipe - Georgian Cheese Bread
Adjaruli Khachapuri (pronounced ad-JAR-ool-ee | HA-cha-PUR-ee) is a boat-shaped bread filled with melted cheese with an egg cracked on top. Try this easy khachapuri recipe at home.
submitted by Suneli_Valley

Jumbo Snickerdoodles
If you love extra large bakery style cookies, you’ll love these Jumbo Snickerdoodles! They are ultra thick, have crisp edges and tops, with chewy middles and are topped with a delicious cinnamon sugar
submitted by twopinkpeonies