Other recipes like this one

Beef Tapa
Beef tapa is a type of cured meat of thin slices of tender beef. A popular breakfast that is usually served with a sunny-side up egg and fried rice.
submitted by Bebs of Foxy Folksy

Aperitivo De Mejillón Sobre Crema De Escabeche
Si te gustan los mejillones y quieres quedar bien con poco esfuerzo, esta es tu receta: aperitivo de mejillón sobre crema de escabeche, un entrante sencillo, fácil y rico que gustará a tus comensales.
submitted by venalacocina

Authentic Japanese Takoyaki (octopus Balls)
Light, crispy takoyaki with soft chewy centre, filled with boiled octopus, pickled ginger and topped with a variety of tasty toppings. These authentic, festival style takoyaki are totally addictive!
submitted by sudachirecipes