Other recipes like this one
Pissaladière: The Niçoise Onion Tart
The pissaladière is a Provençal open tart resembling pizza, typically made with onions, anchovies, and olives. It’s a specialty of Nice (France), a kind of caramelized onion pie with the pissala.
submitted by oyummy
Balsamic Pickled Onions with Garlic Mustard Seeds » Slow Living Kitchen
Balsamic vinegar pickled onions are an easy food preservation project. Learn how to quick pickle red onions any time of the year.
submitted by slowlivingkitchen
Quick Pickled Red Onions
Quick pickled red onions are sweet, sour, and crunchy, and add an acidic element to many foods. Choose a quick simmer or the no-cook version.
submitted by mandiofthemountains