Recipes for Puppy Dognuts (dog Treat Donuts) These baked doughnuts have gone to the dogs. Little more than flour, applesauce, and peanut butter, you can whip them up even when the pantry is mostly bare, and they're fully edible for humans, too. submitted by BitterSweet baked baking cake dairy-free diy dog food dog treats dogs donut doughnut eggless healthy puppy snack sugar-free treat vegan Entry Permalink Report Post Pupkin Peanut Butter Waffle Donuts Pumpkin, peanut butter, honey, and oat mini waffles or donuts that are dog-friendly. This batter can be used interchangeably with a waffle or donut iron. submitted by freebelly dairy free dairy free recipe desserts dog friendly donut fall gluten free gluten free recipe honey mini donut oat oat flour peanut butter pumpkin puppy snacks waffle Entry Permalink Report Post